Plain vanilla Dow Theory? Or does Dow Theory come in many flavors?
As investors it is important
to know the true implications of the Dow Theory. Are we going to invest for the
long pull, forever, or are we just traders? I always insist on “knowing your
time frame”. Your profit targets (namely the “reward” side of the
equation), your stops (namely the “risk” side of the equation) and your holding
period all depend on the Dow Theory “flavor” you use. You will never become a successful
investor if you don’t know your time frame and what can you expect from it.
I feel a clarification is in
I constantly allude to the Dow
Theory as if it were a given. However, in the last 110 years substantially
different investment and even trading styles have been advocated under the
label “Dow Theory”. Is there a canon according whereto orthodox Dow Theory can
be defined? Are the different interpretations of the Dow Theory worth bearing
its venerable name?
Therefore, it is important to ask whether there is a plain vanilla Dow Theory or it comes in many flavors.
The answer is elusive as we will see in the following lines.
Therefore, it is important to ask whether there is a plain vanilla Dow Theory or it comes in many flavors.
From Charles Dow to
E. George Schaefer.
To begin
with, the “founder” of the Dow Theory, Charles Dow, never attempted to
formulate a systematized theory as such, much less something bearing his own
name. He died without having written a book. Only his editorials are a
testimony of his wisdom and market acumen (which are a must read for any
serious Dow Theorist, whatever the “flavor”).
Dow’s friend, a man called
Nelson, attempted to gather Dow’s more important thoughts in a book. That book
was published in 1902 and is called “The ABC of Stock speculation”. Please
note, that the book was not entitled “Dow Theory”. The book is an interesting
recollection of Dow’s thoughts and, even though profound and useful for the
successful investor, it bears no resemblance to a well organized theory.
Dow’s successor at the helm of
the Wall Street Journal, Hamilton,
was the first practitioner that labeled Dow’s insights as the “Dow Theory”. Hamilton distilled some
of the principles of Dow Theory in his famous Wall Street Journal editorials.
He greatly signaled the onset of the devastating 1929-1932 bear market. He
wrote a good book called “The Stock Market Barometer” which, even though
containing some of the tenets of the Dow Theory was far from a fully
systematized body of rules.
The Dow Theory came of age
when Rhea took the lead in the ninety thirties. Robert Rhea undertook the
monumental task of systematizing the whole body of work of Dow and Hamilton. He
distilled it into a workable framework of theorems and rules. We can say that
the “Version 1.0”
of the Dow Theory as we now know was due to Rhea. Rhea, who had survived the
Great Depression thanks to his application of the Dow Theory, was very aware of
the risks of being caught wrong footed when a huge bear market sets in. Perhaps
because of his personal experience, his Dow Theory “flavor” favored more the
“technical” side of the Dow Theory rather than the more fundamental one that
stresses values. We shouldn’t forget that value investors were gravely fooled
by the 1929-1932 bear market. Each compelling value was followed by a new
vicious decline. Besides, we can see from his writings that he even hinted some
kind of medium term trading (trading secondary reactions). He had a newsletter
advisory service named “Dow Theory Commentary” which was very successful until
his premature death in 1939 and published a book bearing the
modest title “The Dow Theory”. In my opinion such book is the “Bible” of the
Dow Theory. Any serious practitioner of the Dow Theory should read it three or
four times and be prepared to look it up almost every day. I would label Rhea’s
Dow Theory flavor as “The primary-cyclical trend flavor”. The investments made
following Rhea’s axioms tend to last on average ca. 2 years.
After Rhea’s death the Dow
Theory fell into disrepute because many alleged “experts” (history repeats
itself as “experts” in Dow Theory always abound) attempted to reduce the Dow
Theory to a trading system and failed miserably. Nihil novum sub sole (nothing new under the sun).
As a reaction to such
excesses, the next Dow Theorist, Schaefer, proclaimed the “New Dow Theory”. In
his book “How I helped more than 10000 investors to Profit in Stocks”,
written in 1960, Schaefer subtly criticizes Rhea and Hamilton for not having
respected the integrity of Dow’s thoughts by reducing the Dow Theory to a mere
technical timing system decoupled from any consideration to values (criticism
that, in my opinion, is not fully true). Schaefer stressed the importance of
the secular trend (which in his opinion may last even 14 years) and recommends riding
in its integrity the secular trend. Such extension of time frames resulted in a
concomitantly extended definition of primary and secondary movements.
Schaefer claims that he is the true
interpreter of Dow’s writings and indicts Rhea and Hamilton as heresiarchs that
have produced a “flavor” much more short term oriented with utter disregard for
values. While I am not in a position to brand Schaefer as the true prophet or
as a heresiarch himself, I can label his Dow Theory flavor (which bears little
resemblance with Rhea’s) as the “Secular trend flavor”. The Schaefer “flavor”
of the Dow Theory may result in investments lasting a whooping 14 years.
In parallel to Schaefer and
continuing to this day we meet Richard Russell author of the famed “Dow Theory
Letters” which you can find here
He got started in 1958. Russell
is so relevant to the Dow Theory that he doesn’t deserve a cursory review.
Furthermore, his Dow Theory “flavor” is difficult to catalogue. Whereas, unlike
Schaefer, he doesn’t eschew “short term trades” and, accordingly he sets a stop
loss, on the other hand, he may ride a secular trend according to market
conditions. But such flexibility results in not being easy to label Richard
Russell’s flavor of the Dow Theory.
Part II. Richard Russell and
his Dow Theory Letters.
Russell is a living legend. He
is greatly influenced by Schaefer but, in my opinion, Russell is more pragmatic
and, without meaning disrespect for Schaefer, a more rounded up Dow Theorist
and investor. If you read Schaefer’s book you’ll see that, under the guise of
subtle criticism, he really believed that his “New Dow Theory” was the orthodox
Creed and that Rhea and Hamilton were wrong. Furthermore, he hints in his book
that they might have psychological issues because they relied heavily on a
“system”. However, Schaefer failed to see that thanks to a “system” Rhea, and
to a lesser extent Hamilton,
had clear rules that told them when to run for the exits. In a secular bull
market, such as the one experienced by Schaefer from 1949 to 1960 when he wrote
his book, a “system” may look superfluous because the rising secular tide poses
no real threat to one’s capital integrity. However, when a really vicious bear
market sets in, the investor needs “rules” or a “system” to get him out.
Capital protection is the first rule. One needs a yardstick to know when
“enough is enough”. Absent the yardstick your losses are open-ended.
Schaefer provided very useful
insights, though; insights that the old pragmatic Russell integrated into his
own flavor of the “Dow Theory”. However, after having read Russell’s book and
most of his Dow Theory Letters dating back from 1958, I can see that Russell is
a very intelligent man. Too intelligent to proclaim that “his” Dow Theory
flavor is the only right one. By the way, if you are serious about learning Dow
Theory and, more importantly, how to think like a successful investor, you can
get all the Dow Theory letters published by Russell here
Thus, Russell’s flavor of the
Dow Theory doesn’t lend itself easily to be cataloged. I can safely say that
Russell pays lot of attention to values and tends to invest along the secular
trend (here being a follower of Schaefer) whenever possible. However, he’s got
a built-in survivor instinct which makes him heed the technical warnings of the
Rhea flavor of the Dow Theory when needed. Thus, if your google “Dow Theory
Letters” you will see that his website tag reads “Follows the
Dow Theory market timing system”. Well,
this emphasis on “timing” has a distinct Rhea smell. We could say that
Russell’s Dow Theory is a very flexible one. He tries to side with the secular
trend, but he is not oblivious to the cyclical bull and bear markets that occur
within it. Unlike Schaefer, he will not doubt to run for the exits if the
technicals convince him that, in spite of valuations, the market structure signals
a primary cyclical bear market. Furthermore, Russell follows the motto “when
in doubt, stay out”, so he always errs on the side of caution.
Furthermore, Russell is a man
with a very big picture. His “advice” does not merely relate to the stock
market but he also actively recommends his subscribers to invest in gold (when
the time is right, as now) and even diamonds. He is a seasoned investor with
good knowledge of economics. And he’s an excellent writer. He knows his craft.
His latest great call was in
2008 when, according to the Rhea “flavor” of the Dow Theory, he advised
investors to get out of all stocks because a primary bear market had been
signaled by the Dow Theory. This market call was the turning point for me to
become much more “technical” than “fundamentalist”, since I saw firsthand the
way many “fundamentalists” got killed by the bear market. This was especially
so, when, after reading Russell and after filtering him with my own
understanding of the Dow Theory, I was convinced that an ugly primary bear
market had begun. Thus, on his Letter 1437 of March 19, 2008 he wrote:
“I just read a four-page treatise by a very successful analyst in which
he demonstrates based on the fundamentals, why the economic situation in the US is basically
healthy. This analyst may be absolutely correct, and I’ll admit I was impressed
by his analysis – but I trust the market more”.
The old fox Russell knew
better than the analyst.
Russell’s uniqueness, makes
evaluating his track record an elusive task. Do we count gold in the mix? Only
stocks? After studying him intently for many years I can only say that those
that followed his advice (including of course buying gold since the early
2000’s) have fared very well. My BOE calculations tell me that his performance
in the last 10 years may have averaged ca. 10% and more importantly, he helped
us keep our powder dry when the tough times (2008) came.
Russell also developed in 1969
the so-called Russell’s “Primary Trend Index” (PTI). While not being this index
strictly based on the Dow Theory it served Russell well. Such index which tries
to gauge the primary trend of the stock market has shown an uncanny ability to
be on the right side of the market and as Russell himself says “the PTI is
smarter than I am”. While providing hints as to the composition of the PTI,
Russell keeps secret its specifics. Of course, Russell’s PTI has nothing to do
with the Dow Theory and it is merely a timing indicator. Personally, I don’t use Russell’s PTI because
I cannot trust an indicator whose details are unknown to me. I don’t like
“black boxes” even if they come from reputable investors. As of this writing,
whereas Russell is bearish on stocks (but bullish on gold), his PTI has been
stubbornly crying “bull market”.
By writing this eulogy of
Russell I am not meaning he’s always right. Dow Theory is not an exact science.
But the mark of a good Dow Theorist, or any investor for this matter, is not to
be “in the money” in each market forecast but rather, after long time periods
(let’s say 10 years) protect his client’s capital and, if possible, help them
achieve positive returns. Thus, in the rare occasions he’s not on the right
side of the market, he’s intelligent enough not to have an ego and to change gears
when subsequent market action proves him wrong. As a consequence, his
flexibility results in avoiding serious damage to his followers.
While my overall assessment of
Russell is very positive, I don’t mean I always agree with him. On several
instances, and after having followed him for many years, I didn’t agree with
his analysis and conclusions. This is precisely what prompted me to become a
Dow theorist myself. To put money on the line I wanted to develop my own
independent judgment, even though I continue to read Russell to this day. I
wanted to be able to analyze the market by myself without needing Russell’s Dow
Theory letters crutch. But this is the subject for another post.
Part III. Jack Schannep and “The
Dow Newsletter”.
The latest addition to the
“Dow Theory’s Hall of Fame” is Jack Schannep.
He started in the ninety
sixties as a stock broker with Dean Witter in Phoenix. In 1962 he created a market timing
letter which was almost privately circulated (to clients of an investment house).
After retiring in 1984 he started his newsletter service as we know it now.
Schannep is a seasoned
investor with many investment battles behind. He is an investor with profound
“hands on” market experience. He runs an advisory service based on the Dow
Theory which you can find here
He also published a book; an
excellent one, indeed, named: “Dow Theory for the 21st Century” which
you can find here
Schannep has a kind of Rhea or
“Primary-cyclical Trend flavor” updated and seasoned with some very valuable
timing and street smarts. He definitely ignores the “secular” trend and the
investments made as per his interpretation of the Dow Theory have an average
duration of approximately 2 years.
As to values, I’d dare to say
that he’s skeptical. This is why I label him as the purest Rhea follower. In
his book, the only reference to values seems quite disparaging. He laconically
“We all know it is better to buy stocks when they are obviously cheap
and sell them when they are obviously dear, but the Dow Theory has no such
requirement in its makeup (…) I say let the Dow Theory speak for itself and
follow the signals whenever they may occur. Do not let personal preferences
Source: “Dow Theory for
the 21st Century”, page 50, Wiley & Sons, 2008.
I know that the “secular”
flavor Dow Theorists would indict Schannep as heresiarch for his utter
disregard of the secular trend and, with it, the need to resort to values.
Although, I will develop further this aspect in future posts, the longer the
timeframe, the greater the need for considering fundamentals and values. On the
other hand, the shorter the timeframe, the more important is the technical
condition of the market. The extreme is found in short term trading (let’s say:
1 week trades and less) were the technical structure overrides all value or
fundamental considerations.
However, Schannep’s publicized
track record is too good to be excommunicated from the Dow Theory fraternity.
After having read his newsletters and book countless times, I can only say that
I find more orthodoxy in him than in many self-appointed Dow Theorists who consider
themselves the guardians of the Dow Theory orthodoxy. And I defend Schannep not
because of his outstanding track record but because I honestly think that his
“flavor” doesn’t contradict the work of Hamilton, Rhea and even Russell when
Russell sees fit to disregard the secular trend.
Furthermore, Schannep was not
caught wrong-footed when the bear market of 2008 started. On February 1, 2008
Schannep went fully in cash, thus proving outstanding
timing skills. Those that followed him emerged from the bear market almost
His timing skills shined again
when on April 2, 2009 he went 100% invested in stocks. Subsequent market action
proved again Schannep and his Dow Theory “flavor” right.
But Schannep’s accomplishments go beyond
excellent market timing. Schannep has really made a valuable contribution to
the Dow Theory. He’s made in depth studies concerning the average duration of
bull and bear markets, the gains (losses) that can be expected as a bull (bear)
market advances, alternative ways to define primary bull and bear markets, how
to appraise secondary reactions, etc. He has honed Dow Theory to make it the
closest thing to a science. Personally, I’ve been greatly influenced by
As I said, Schannep makes an orthodox
application of the Dow Theory, albeit with a strong emphasis on the technical
action of the market. Although his newsletter is seasoned with fundamental
market data, the final decision as to whether one should buy stocks or sell
them relies exclusively on his Dow Theory interpretation, being the fundamental
data displayed in each issue of his newsletter a mere dressing or appetizer. He
has done groundbreaking work in clarifying the extent and duration of primary
bull markets and secondary reactions, thereby providing the Dow Theory investor
with a clear roadmap as to what to expect. In other words, he helps put a
“figure” to the expected gains and losses derived from taking the buy and sell
signals and the most likely time-frame it will take to play out. By doing this,
he has expanded the work that was initially started by Rhea.
Furthermore, he has made two
additions to the arsenal of the Dow Theory consisting on:
Definition of primary or bear market in the rare
instances when under classical Dow Theory market action hasn’t provided a
signal yet. As I will write in a future post, there are several kinds of market
setups for a primary bull (bear) market signal. In some cases, the market
continues to go up (or down) without providing a Dow Theory signal. And here
comes Schannep to our help.
Addition of the S&P as an index worth monitoring
under Dow Theory. He makes a compelling case in his book about the importance of
adding the S&P as the third index to be monitored and taken into account in
order to determine the existence of a Dow Theory primary bull (bear) market
signal. The well grounded addition of
the S&P addresses the common criticism against Dow Theory that runs as
follows: “The Dow Theory is no longer
responsive enough because the Transports are not significant anymore”.
If one thinks it over, we can
see that Schannep’s additions are not to be labeled as a heresy. They merely
reflect the evolution of the markets across time (i.e. the S&P didn’t exist
in the times of Dow). I am convinced that Schannep’s additions result in a
significant improvement of performance and a concomitant reduction of risk
(capital loss) because they increase the responsiveness of the Dow Theory by
improving the timing when signaling primary bull and bear markets.
The only addition made by
Schannep I don’t buy into, is the “Schannep Timing indicator”. In a similar
fashion to Russell, Schannep developed his pet indicator which, together with
the Dow Theory, helps him time his buy and sell signals and the amount to invest.
While I don’t discuss the merits of the indicator and I consider it as good as
Russell’s PTI, I feel leery to entrust my investment fortunes to a “black box”
indicator. Even though Schannep makes some work explaining how the indicator
works, he doesn’t even come close to a full disclosure and, hence, I discard it
as not compliant with the “Dow Theory”. Besides, Schannep’s “flavor” of the Dow
Theory is so good that even without use of his “Timing Indicator” results keep
being very good (and don’t forget less overfitted). So, personally, I’d rather
settle with 2% lower annual performance that results from strictly applying Dow
Theory (with its robust +100 years track record) rather than applying an
indicator whose bowels are unknown to me.
Schannep is purely an equities
man. His investment advice is geared exclusively to stocks and in this field
his proven track record is outstanding (ca. 6.8 % annual exclusive of dividends
with reduced draw-downs in the last difficult 10 years is more than an
accomplishment). As an investor, Schannep is like a specialist shop. He’s the
best in equities; however, if you want to set up a portfolio, you need advise
that goes beyond equities. Here is where my value considerations tell me that
betting one’s ranch all in stocks may be a dangerous proposition. Personally, I
feel better with a mix that includes the precious metals universe and this is
why I write a lot about such markets with the aid of the Dow Theory and I also
keep an eye on values in the timeframe where they really belong.
Part IV. Recap and main tenets
of my own “flavor”.
All in all: If you want the
best advice, follow both Russell and Schannep. Both are great Dow Theorists and
both are alive. Take advantage of it!
Is any one of the Dow Theory “flavors”
we have hitherto analyzed to be excommunicated from the Dow Theory fraternity?
Personally, I think that all of them loosely fit under what we can define the
basic Creed of the Dow Theory. Some styles place greater emphasis on the
secular trend and values; others focus on riding the primary trends and are
more technical in nature.
However, from the preceding
discussion we can see that it is important to know what kind of flavor we mean.
The investment results (and drawdowns to be endured) accruing to an investor
riding the secular (10-14 years) trend will differ substantially from those affecting
an investor following the cyclical bull and bear markets (whose median duration
is ca. 2.5 years). In another post, I’ll dissect the advantages and
disadvantages of each method. Here it suffices to say that, while not
disparaging any of such “flavors”, it is important to know were we stand and
what do we mean when we say “bull market under Dow Theory”. What is a bull
market: 3 months (secondary trend), 2 years (primary trend) or 14 years
(secular trend)? Our wording and definitions are important.
My conclusions are as follows:
There isn’t just one “right” or official Dow Theory.
There are some flavors which, provided, they respect
the basic tenets of the Dow Theory are acceptable. Each “flavor” has its own
pros and cons and its use depends on the temperament and personal circumstances
of the investor (more on this in another post in this blog).
The basic tenets of the Dow Theory, which all acceptable
“flavors” have in common, are the belief in trends, the existence of primary
and secondary movements (even though there is some disagreement as to the
duration of each), the importance of previous highs and lows (although there is
also disagreement in determining which highs or lows are the relevant ones) and
the principle of confirmation for a signal to be valid. This is the basic
Together with the acceptable “flavors” of the Dow
Theory co-exist real heresies which deny the basic “Creed”. Heresiarchs are
those that deny the principle of confirmation, that apply Dow Theory principles
to short term trading (as the main strategy), those that say that the
Transports should fell into oblivion, or those that bluntly say that the Dow
Theory doesn’t’ work any longer. As we advance in this blog I will expose some
of these adulterated dow theorists (with lower case). It is because of these
heresies that the real Dow Theory gets occasionally bad press.
My personal “flavor” of the Dow Theory is deeply
influenced by Russell and Schannep (and indirectly by Rhea). I define “primary”
and “secondary” movement very much in the sense of Rhea which results in
investments with an average duration of ca. 2 years. I keep an eye on values
and fundamentals but, I’m extremely demanding as to what constitutes “good
values” and extremely skeptical as to my ability (or anyone else’s, by the way)
to accurately determine “values”. More on “values” and fundamentals in a future
post. Borrowing from the world of trading and its obsessive quest to look for
the best risk reward ratio (RRR) trades, I place special emphasis in finding
good RRR investments. Risk must be commensurate with potential gain. All these
aspects are vital to succeed as an investor and will be further developed in
this blog.
However, I part company with Russell or Schannep in
that I rely exclusively on the Dow Theory to determine a buy or sell signal. I
don’t want to use extraneous black box indicators which, albeit useful, are not
endowed with the 112 track record of the Dow Theory. I am convinced that, if
one is well prepared and works diligently, investment results can be more than
satisfactory by simply applying the Dow Theory. I’d rather prefer to be
proficient in just one thing (Dow Theory) than dabbling with many indicators.
The Dow Theorist
That sounds really complicated. Still, I guess when it comes to stocks and forex trading brokers, nothing is ever really as simple as it sounds.
ReplyDeleteYes. It is said that it is easier to talk (or write) about money than really making it. Right implementation is vital and the discipline to stomach the inevitable draw downs.
DeleteHowever, I've seen even more complicated and not so transparent investment strategies. Furthermore,few technical methods can boast a track recordspanning +112 years.
how dose dow theory sign co relate to montly moving aveage ? i mean 5 period monthly
ReplyDeletebecause it did gave sell siganl at Jan 2008 and buy signal at Mar 2009 ??
Something similar did the Dow Theory in the period you mention, thereby keeping investors safe. On the other hand, the Dow Theory beats the pants off moving averages. It is cleary superior and does a better job at filtering out noise, as explained here:
I've read a couple of your articles on this and SCHANNEP. Given that the superior returns are achieved by being out of the market on the down years, could you improve the return move by buying an inverse ETF when DT and SCHANNEP sell signals occur and a leveraged SPY when the Buy signals occur?
ReplyDeleteIt depends on the amount of risk you are willing to embrace. Please bear in mind that not all “buy” signals are winners (ca. 70% are). However, you are left with a ca. 30% losers (which means having to buy at a higher level that your previous exit price). While Schannep’s Dow Theory has hitherto had a worst drawdown of ca. 10%, one never knows what lies ahead. As to shorting (inverse ETF) we also know that “normally” there are further declines following a primary bear market signal (that is “follow thru”). However, not all primary bear market signals are successful (meaning that the next entry is at a lower price level than the exit price).
You may find useful information in these post:
Delete1) This one tabulates further declines following primary bear market signals:
2) This one talks about further increases following a primary bull market signal.