End result: No change of primary trend.
The secondary trend is bearish
(secondary reaction against the primary bull market). The secondary reaction
was signaled on April 13th, as explained here.
As per Schannep’s Dow Theory
in order to complete a primary bear market setup, at least one index should
rally more than 3% off the secondary reaction closing lows. The Transports and
the S&P 500 have done so. The Transports secondary reaction closing lows
were made on April 13th, 2017 (closing price 8874.56). On April 24th
the Transports closed at 9282.99, which is a rally of +4.60%, thus exceeding
the minimum 3% requirement.
The S&P 500 secondary
reaction closing lows were made on April 13th, 2017 (closing price
2328.95). On May 10th, the S&P 500 closed at 2399.63, breaking
out above its last recorded primary bull market closing high of March 1st,
which amounts to a rally of 3.03% (which is more than 3%). The SPY, likewise,
bettered its March 1st closing highs on May 15th, 2017
(blue upward arrow on the bottom chart).
By the way, the S&P 500
higher closing high has not been confirmed by neither the Industrials nor the
Transports. Please mind that the SPY is not “confirming” the S&P 500, as we
are talking of the same index. Hence, the S&P 500 higher highs have not
been confirmed.
Thus, we cannot declare the
secondary reaction as extinguished. Furthermore, the longer the lack of
confirmation by the Transports and Industrials persists, the more suspect the
current rally off the April 13th, 2017 closing lows becomes.
Today, May 17th,
the Transports have violated their April 13th, 2017 secondary
reaction closing lows (red downward arrow in the middle chart). Under the “Rhea/classical”
Dow Theory, for a primary bear market signal to exist, it is necessary that the
Industrials confirm. They have not done so. Please mind that under the "Classical/Rhea" Dow Theory as interpreted by Schannep, there is a secondary reaction going on, and hence, a primary bear market signal would be signaled if the Industrials were to violate the April 13th secondary reaction lows (even if the S&P 500 were not going to do so). However, strict "classical" Dow Theorists might not see a secondary reaction yet, as was explained here.
Here you have an updated
Under Schannep’s Dow Theory,
for a primary bear market to be signaled, we need the S&P 500 to confirm,
namely, to violate its April 13th secondary reaction closing lows.
As the S&P 500 has not done so, the primary trend remains bullish. Why
under Schannep’s Dow Theory should the S&P 500 always be part and parcel of
any signal? The answer here
Bottom line: We are seeing
lack of confirmation when it comes to higher highs, which negates the end of
the current secondary reaction. On the other hand, we have just seen today lack
of confirmation when it comes to lower lows, which negates the primary bear
market signal. However, until a signal is reversed by a new one, the trend
remains unchanged, and hence the primary trend remains bullish.
The primary trend turned
bullish on April 12th, 2017 as explained here
The secondary trend is bearish,
as explained in depth here.
The secondary trend is bullish
as explained here
As was explained here, SIL and GDX have set up for a primary bull market
The Dow Theorist
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